Attention to all our valued customers. Due to this busy holiday season in an effort to improve customer service we have a new email for Cancellations.
If you need to cancel an order, or a preorder please use the new email . Please include the following in the heading to speed up our process : Game Title : order # Customer Name
Example : Resident Evil 5 - PS3 : Order #1111111 John Doe
Please allow ample time for preorder cancellations as we will not accept preorder cancellations on or before the day of launch of the title. Please send cancellations at least 72 hours prior to release.
For all other questions and concerns please contact
customerservice@videogamesplus.caP.S. We have been receiving floods of emails as of late and are working hard to answer them all.
If you had previously sent a cancellation request please do so again at the email above so we can make sure to process your cancellation. Please be patient to all who have concerns.
Customer Service Representative