Friday, November 14, 2008


Confirmed new releases shipping out from our facility today are Rock Band Track Pack Vol 3 : AC/DC LIVE - Wii (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - 360 (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - DS (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - PS2 (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - PS3 (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - PSP (Preorder) , Shaun White Snowboarding - Wii (Preorder) , Animal Crossing: City Folk - Wii (Preorder) , Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades Bundle - DS (Preorder) , Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - PS3 (Preorder) and Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - 360 (Preorder) . All preorders for these games are now being processed and have begun shipping so we can't accept any further cancellations. If we receive any further updates on any other new releases shipping out from our facility today we will update here. PLEASE NOTE: IN STORE PREORDERS FOR ALL MORTAL KOMBAT'S , ANIMAL CROSSING Wii , ALL SHAUN WHITE'S AND GUITAR HERO DS CAN ONLY BE PICKED UP ON SUNDAY NOV 16/08 WHICH IS THE OFFICIAL STREET DATE FOR THEM ALL.

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